Sunday, June 10, 2007

What Is The Relevance Of Yoga In Today’s World?

The practice of yoga helps anyone to gain good health, mental peace, emotional equanimity and intellectual clarity.

With a healthy body, clear mind and pure emotions, any one can learn to excel in his chosen career.

What Are The Stages Of Patanjali Yoga?

Maharshi/Sage Patanjali

"Sage Patanjali" has penned the ancient Indian heritage of Yoga through his treatise “The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali”, which is a complete study of the subject which consists of just 196 sutras (dictums). Sage Patanjali's exposition consists of just 196 concise yoga sutras which cover all aspects of life.

The eight aspects (ashtanga) of yoga are :
(yama & Niyama are 2 different aspects)

  • Yama and Niyama : depicts moral and social conduct.
  • Asanas : adjust the body in various postures
  • Pranayama : regulation of breath
  • Pratyahara : internalization of the senses of perception
  • Dharana : concentration
  • Dhyana : meditation
  • Samadhi : the ultimate state of self realization.

What Are The Results You Can Expect?

Yoga helps in :

1. Regaining flexibility in the spine and limbs

2. Improving grace, balance, poise, concentration and self-confidence.

3. Controlling and redistributing body weight according to the physical structure.

4. Strengthening and reconditioning the body.

5. Releasing tension from its many hiding places in the body.

6. Being relaxed during tensed situations.

7. Storing & then releasing of energy and vital force when necessary.

8. Increasing resistance to many common diseases

9. Controlling your emotions and mind.Improvement in all your activities

When Do You Practice Yoga?

You need about 25-45 minutes to practice Yoga. It can be either on a stretch or divided up over the day as necessary.

Practicing before meals is ideal and advisable too. Even a piece of fruit taken before practicing can hinder with your performance. But if you have to eat first then you should wait for a minimum of 90 minutes after a light meal and 3 hours after a heavy meal, before you start.

Yoga can be practiced at any time of the day, though some asanas should be done in the morning hours while some should be done in the evening hours for greater benefits. Some pranayams can be done at any time while some should be strictly done on an empty stomach.